CESENA | 10-12 JANUARY, 2018

Casella di testo: Information

The Foodomics Organizing Committee is glad to announce the

5th International Conference on Foodomics – Foodomics 2018: from Data to Knowledge

which be held in Cesena, Italy, on January 10-12, 2018!



This year, more space is given to oral presentations selected by the Scientific Committee among the submitted abstracts. Thus, we are reserving 24 time-slots to present showcases on emerging novelties, applying the Foodomics approach. Thus, send timely your abstracts before the 10th of November. Only the registered participants will compete for selection.


Twenty-four slots are available for oral presentation


Don’t worry if you won’t be selected for oral presentation, you could present your results during the poster session.

The best scientific contribution will be selected among posters, and it will be awarded with a special prize during the Gala dinner

Fees are kept at the lowest as possible level to allow a wide participation, and will include the Conference package

Congress bag, book of abstracts, admission to scientific sessions, 4 coffee breaks, a work lunch (11th January) and the Welcoming Special Buffet (10th January)

Casella di testo: ICF2018 CONFERENCE PACKAGE
Casella di testo: Are you a Young Scientist?
Participations of Young scientists is very welcome and a special fee has been considered to improve their participation*

*participants under 35 years old, a scanned copy of your ID should be provided during registration

Casella di testo: FOODOMICS POSTER AWARD**
The Exacta+Optech has established a poster awards for young researcher author of the top-ranked poster presented at the ICF 2018 n Cesena. Prize consists of: 
€ 500 honorarium

**Posters will be judged by a team of selected members from the ICF 2018 Scientific Board. Evaluation criteria include:

Poster quality (e.g., visual presentation, clarity, etc)

Young Researcher's oral presentation, interaction, and understanding of the topic at the time of the Congress

Rigor, novelty, and innovativeness of the topic

Casella di testo: Exacta+Optech Poster Award Winner is
Carina I. Mack
Max Rubner-Institut (Germany)

for the contribution entitled
“The urinary volatilome after coffee consumption”
co-authored with: 
Egert B.E., Liberto E., Weinert C.H., Kulling S.E., Cordero C.